
Warning Light

/Warning Light

    The Parts Store says They can Check my Car’s Codes for Free; Why should I Bring it to a Repair Shop?

    By | November 28th, 2016|General Repair, Maintenance, Warning Light|

    You’ve probably seen the ads on TV: The local auto parts store will be happy to check your car’s codes for free, and sell you the parts you need to fix it yourself. Sounds almost too good to be true. And it is. Oh, sure, they’ll check the codes. They [...]

      Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care Shares Practical Back-to-School Auto Care Tips for Drivers

      By | August 23rd, 2016|Cottman Brand News, General Repair, Tire and Suspension, Warning Light|

      Auto Repair Brand Releases Advice for Parents and Their Young-Adult Drivers As teen and young-adult drivers prepare to go back to school, parents are encouraged to use this moment as an opportunity to discuss proper auto care and how that impacts vehicle safety. According to State Farm, 56 percent of [...]

        When the Temperature Gauge Starts to Climb…

        By | August 3rd, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Engine Performance, General Repair, Warning Light|

        It’s the middle of summer, the temperature’s pushing into triple digits, and you’re stuck in traffic. Suddenly a light on the dashboard comes on; it looks like a thermometer. Your car’s beginning to overheat. What should you do? First, if the air conditioner’s on, turn it off; if it’s off, [...]

          Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care Shares Tips to Prevent Vehicles from Overheating

          By | July 25th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Cottman Brand News, General Repair, Warning Light|

          Every summer, high temperatures and extreme heat waves take a toll on vehicles and their engines, which can lead to unexpected expenses for unprepared drivers. In fact, the American Automobile Association (AAA) estimates more than 8 million automobiles in need of their roadside assistance during the summer months. Since this [...]

            Brake Light Is On – Does That Mean Brakes Are Going To Fail?

            By | January 7th, 2015|Auto Repair Articles, Warning Light|

            This is one of those “maybe; maybe not” situations. The Brake light is there to indicate a problem in the brake system. But it could be on simply because the sensor switch on the emergency brake is out of adjustment. Brake System Services Your best bet when faced with a [...]

              What To Do When The Temperature Gauge In Your Car Is Too High

              By | January 7th, 2015|Auto Repair Articles, Warning Light|

              Temperature Light Is On First do these three things: Turn your car’s air conditioner on. Slide the A/C temperature lever all the way to hot. Set your A/C blower motor to high.If the temperature doesn’t begin dropping almost immediately, pull over as soon as possible and shut the engine off. [...]

                Oil Pressure Light On When Stopping – Should I worry?

                By | January 7th, 2015|Auto Repair Articles, Warning Light|

                The first thing you should do is pull over, shut the engine off, and check the engine oil level. That flickering oil pressure light could mean that your engine is extremely low on oil. If so, add oil to bring it up to the full mark on the dipstick. Don’t [...]

                  My Check Engine Light Is On – What Does That Mean?

                  By | January 7th, 2015|Auto Repair Articles, Warning Light|

                  The Check Engine light — sometimes called the Service Engine Soon light or Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) — is the computer’s way of communicating with you. When the light comes on, it’s telling you it noticed a problem with the way the car’s operating. That problem may be something as [...]