
Transmission Articles

/Transmission Articles

    The Cottman Man Animation – Check Engine Light On

    By | January 28th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Cottman Man Educational Video Series, Transmission Articles|

    If you're interested in learning more about check engine light services, contact Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care today!

      Car Won’t Shift Gears? – Reasons To Have Your Transmission Checked

      By | January 28th, 2016|Automatic Transmission, Cottman Man Educational Video Series, Transmission Articles|

      If your car won't shift gears or your having any other issues with your transmission, contact your local Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care center today!

        Winter Driving Safety: Advance Planning Can Keep Cars Running In Inclimate Weather

        By | January 11th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Maintenance, Transmission Articles|

        In many parts of the country, where unusually warm weather has prevailed, winter may seem far away. But colder weather, snow and ice will be coming, even if belated, and the experts at Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care, a national brand that services virtually any make and model vehicle, [...]

          How much should it cost to rebuild transmission?

          By | January 9th, 2015|Automatic Transmission, Transmission Articles|

          Boy, it’d be great if we could answer that question! Unfortunately it’s a little too early to tell. That’s because we don’t even know what type of transmission you have… yet. Is The Transmission Rebuild Necessary? The bigger question is: why are you asking? Are you really sure you need [...]

            Transmission Won’t Shift All The Way Into High Gear Sometimes my transmission doesn’t seem to shift all the way into high gear until after it’s been running for awhile. What could be causing that?

            By | January 9th, 2015|Automatic Transmission, Transmission Articles|

            It may actually be normal operation. That’s because many of today’s computer systems are designed to prevent a shift into high gear until the engine reaches normal operating temperature. Figuring The Problem Out Of course, if your car’s taking too long to warm up, the computer system could be locking [...]

              My Car Won’t Shift And Has No Power – Do I Need A New Transmission?

              By | January 9th, 2015|Automatic Transmission, Transmission Articles|

              Maybe not. If your car won't shift, or has doesn't seem to have any power, then what you’re experiencing is called “failsafe.” It’s how the transmission is designed to operate when the computer system shuts down. Failsafe is built in to enable you to drive to a repair shop without [...]

                My transmission seems to be slipping. Is there any chance that a transmission service will fix the problem?

                By | January 9th, 2015|Automatic Transmission, Transmission Articles|

                Maybe, but there are no guarantees. That’s because the oil in your car’s transmission does play a role in how well the clutches hold. And, over time, that oil can wear out. Transmission Rebuild But changing the oil won’t help if the clutches are worn out. Once that happens, the [...]

                  Buy A New Car Or Fix The Old One?

                  By | January 5th, 2015|Transmission Articles|

                  There’s just no way to spin it: auto repair can be a costly endeavor. Repairs can easily work their way up well into four digits. And sometimes that takes the price of the repair above the car’s resale value. When that happens, it’s natural to consider whether you’d be smarter [...]

                    Transmission Rebuild Or Remanufactured: Which Is The Better Choice?

                    By | January 5th, 2015|Transmission Articles|

                    When your car needs a new automatic transmission, there are generally two different options to choose: You can have it custom rebuilt in a local transmission shop, or you can buy one from a factory-style remanufacturer and have it installed. These factory rebuilds are called remans. So which is better, [...]

                      Choosing A Transmission Shop

                      By | January 5th, 2015|Transmission Articles|

                      For most people, the first time they think about choosing a transmission repair shop is when they notice their car isn’t shifting right. That puts them behind the eight ball right from the start: They’re suddenly confronted with what could potentially be the biggest repair bill they’ve ever dealt with [...]