
Engine Performance

/Engine Performance

    Fuel Injector Cleaning/Fuel System Service – Is It A Real Thing?

    By | January 8th, 2015|Auto Repair Articles, Engine Performance|

    Sure is, and it can make a real difference in your car’s performance and efficiency. Fuel System Services That’s because the fuel systems on today’s cars are a marvel of technology. They work on clearances smaller than half the width of a human hair to provide the perfect level of [...]

      Gas Saving Devices – Do They Really Work And Improve Gas Mileage?

      By | January 8th, 2015|Auto Repair Articles, Engine Performance|

      Generally speaking, no. In fact, those gas saving devices come in two basic categories: completely useless and absolutely illegal. The useless ones are just what you’d expect: They don’t do much of anything, other than separate you from your money. They won’t hurt your car’s performance, but they won’t help [...]