
Auto Repair Articles

/Auto Repair Articles

    Used Cars: Buying Someone Else’s Problems?

    By | August 31st, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, General Repair, Transmission Articles|

    It’s time: The car that took you from place to place for so many years, the one that’s been part of your life for as long as you can remember, just collapsed into a pile of rust and dirt in your driveway. Okay, maybe that’s overstating things, but it’s time [...]

      What’s that Noise?

      By | August 17th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, General Repair|

      We’ve all experienced the horror and humiliation: trying to describe a noise we heard to a repair technician. You stand there, making whistling, whining, or groaning noises, in the feeble hope that they’ll recognize it before you’ve lost all sense of dignity. They won’t, but what choice do you have? [...]

        When the Temperature Gauge Starts to Climb…

        By | August 3rd, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Engine Performance, General Repair, Warning Light|

        It’s the middle of summer, the temperature’s pushing into triple digits, and you’re stuck in traffic. Suddenly a light on the dashboard comes on; it looks like a thermometer. Your car’s beginning to overheat. What should you do? First, if the air conditioner’s on, turn it off; if it’s off, [...]

          Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care Shares Tips to Prevent Vehicles from Overheating

          By | July 25th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Cottman Brand News, General Repair, Warning Light|

          Every summer, high temperatures and extreme heat waves take a toll on vehicles and their engines, which can lead to unexpected expenses for unprepared drivers. In fact, the American Automobile Association (AAA) estimates more than 8 million automobiles in need of their roadside assistance during the summer months. Since this [...]

            Car Troubles? Explain… Don’t Diagnose

            By | July 20th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, General Repair, Maintenance|

            True story: A customer brings his car to a repair shop and asks for a wheel alignment. After the alignment’s done, the customer comes by to pick up his car. While he’s paying the bill, he says to the service writer, “Well, let’s hope that takes care of the vibration [...]

              Maintenance Doesn’t Cost: It Saves!

              By | July 13th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, General Repair, Maintenance|

              You just picked your car up from the shop; the bill was $120, and it doesn’t run any better now than it did when you came in. That’s not so surprising, since there wasn’t really anything wrong with it when you brought it in. It was in for maintenance. But [...]

                Get Better Gas Mileage: 3 Helpful Fuel Efficiency Tips

                By | June 1st, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Cottman Brand News|

                Increase Your Miles Per Gallon (MPG) In Celebration of Summer and Road Trip Season, Auto Repair Brand Releases Money-Saving Strategies to Get Better Gas Mileage. As car owners shift gears and transition into summer, it is also time to plan all types of getaways to enjoy the season. Whether a [...]

                  Water In Your Car’s Transmission? Avoiding The Water Hazards

                  By | May 11th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Brakes, General Repair, Tire and Suspension, Transmission Articles|

                  Water And Car Transmission's Don't Mix Every time you watch the news lately, it seems some area is flooding. Texas just went through the worst flooding in recorded history, causing damage will end up costing billions to repair. But housing and road damage are only a part of the effects [...]

                    How Anti-Lock Brakes Work: Understanding Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS)

                    By | April 25th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, Brakes|

                    If your car was built in the last 10 years or so, it probably has “ABS” — Antilock Brake System. That sounds impressive, but what exactly is an anti-lock brake system? How do anti-lock brakes work? And how does it affect you? Contrary to popular belief, ABS doesn’t necessarily stop [...]

                      Car Owner’s Manual Help: Give It A Read

                      By | April 18th, 2016|Auto Repair Articles, General Repair, Maintenance|

                      Your Car Owner's Manual Is A Wealth Of Information You’re driving down the road when you notice a light on the instrument panel: It’s the letter “B.” What exactly does that mean? A comment on your driving? Is it something serious? Should you pull over, or can it wait until [...]